Delinquency is a global problem which may differ in causes from one nation to another. Research shows that the risk factors related to delinquency are compounded by drug abuse, poverty, political instability, urbanization, dysfunctional family, violence, peer influence and limited income generating opportunities among others. Young people are mainly at risk not just because they may turn to substance abuse, street living and petty crimes as a way of dealing with the difficulties they face but also because they are ambitious and are in danger of being exploited.

Delinquency in Rwanda is not a new phenomenon; however, it has been worsened by the effects of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and its subsequent consequences. Rwanda’s Economy and the Social well-being of the Citizens were on the brink of total collapse in 1994. The psychological aspect of citizens was highly compromised and thus results of trauma, loss of hope, sense of direction and purpose of life. The most delinquent stricken part of the Rwandan population lies between 14 and 35 years old.
Delinquency is like a “double edged sword that hurts two at once”. It is not only hurts one’s community and country but also leaves significant impacts to the life of the delinquents themselves. The delinquency has economic and social cultural effects on the individuals, families, communities as well as the entire society and a nation in general.


As stated by the article 7 of the N0 17/2017 of 28/04/2017, National Rehabilitation Service has the overall mission of eradicating all forms of deviant behaviors by instilling positive behaviors, educating and providing professional skills


To Achieve a Delinquency Free Rwanda Society In particular, NRS has specifically the following main mission: 1. To establish appropriate measures for the prevention of acts giving rise to deviant attitudes and behaviors; 2. To coordinate activities of rehabilitation centers and transit centers and make follow-up on their operation; 3. To advise the government on measures for the prevention of deviant behaviors; 4. To establish and make follow-up on the program designed to provide counseling services to those placed in rehabilitation centers and transit centers to help them change their behaviors and provide individualized treatment for those who need it; 5. To develop sustainable measures for rehabilitation and social reintegration of people exhibiting deviant attitudes and behaviors and make follow-up on their implementation; 6. To ensure that those placed in rehabilitation centers are provided with knowledge and vocational education preparing them to reintegrate into society in compliance with the program of public institutions in charge of such education; 7. To establish mechanisms for preventing recidivism in deviant behaviours among those graduating from rehabilitation centres and transit centres; 8. To conduct research aiming at pointing out the causes of deviant behaviours and carry out awareness campaigns to prevent and combat such behaviours; 9. To collaborate with other organs having similar missions

Areas of Intervention

No data

RSSB Building, 3rd Floor , Western Province, Karongi District, Bwishyura Sector



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