Early Childhood Development and Family (ECD&F)

Through our Education Programmes, we are committed to ensuring that children are intellectually stimulated, healthy, and safe. This holistic approach includes improving learning outcomes through remedial support for under-performing students, supporting high…

The ECD&F programme uses the following approaches:

  • ECD centres (3 to 6 years old)
  • Home-based services (3 to 6 years old)
  • Home visits (0 to 3 years old)


addition, parents receive training and support in Income Generating Activities (IGAs). Imbuto Foundation offers and delivers the integrated ECD services in all 30 districts.

Face of Imbuto
ECD&F Programme

 Helene Mukamana

My name is Helene, I live in a rural village called Bumba in Gakenke sector. My experience with
Imbuto Foundation has been truly transformative. I used to struggle with anger and often resorted to harsh punishments with my children. However, through the programme, I have learned to adopt a more peaceful approach, nurturing calm conversations and embracing
gentle parenting for a more harmonious household. This programme has been instrumental in improving communication within our family. Both my husband and I have been actively involved in
supporting our children and that has helped them excel in school. I am deeply grateful for the programme’s impact on our lives and strongly advocate for additional parents training sessions.
My journey highlights how programmes like these can positively transform not only individual families but also entire communities. By promoting positive parenting approaches and facilitating economic empowerment, this programme contributes to comprehe


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