AVEGA, which stands for Association des Veuves du Génocide (Association of Widows of the Genocide), combined with “Agahozo,” a Kinyarwanda word meaning “to dry one’s tears,” embodies our mission of healing and hope.

From these humble beginnings, AVEGA has blossomed into a nationwide support network, touching the lives of over 20,000 widows and 71,000 dependents. Our reach extends to vulnerable women’s groups and children, providing comprehensive support that includes:


AVEGA is working to foster social justice for widows of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi as well as other vulnerable women, children and families affected by conflict.


AVEGA seeks a nation of optimism where vulnerable women, children and families lead a dignified life free from all forms of conflict.

Areas of Intervention

  • Healthcare Services
  • Socioeconomic Empowerment
  • Integration, Healing, and Social Cohesion Services
  • Women’s Rights Services for Resilience
  • Mental Health and Trauma Counseling
  • Educational Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

KG 201 St, Remera, Kigali - Rwanda

+250 788 520 122 / +250 788 520 115



Nation Building

Twite ku buzima bwo mu mutwe

Human trafficking

Ibiyobyabwenge bitwangiriza ubuzima

Inda ziterwa abangavu

Turwanye ikoreshwa ry'ibiyobyabwenge

Ejo si kera

Umwana wanjye Ishema Ryanjye