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    Tender Notice - Consultancy services December 2024

    Tender Notice n° Imbuto/01/2024-2025

    1. Imbuto Foundation invites the qualified bidders to submit their bids for the tenders divided into seven
    (7) separated lots as follows:

    Lot 1: IF/G/001/2024-2025/OF/01: Office furniture supply
    Lot 2: IF/G/01/2024-2025/EM/02: Event Management services
    Lot 3: IF/G/01/2024-2025/HS/03: Conference/workshops/Hotels services (3*)
    Lot 4: IF/G/01/2024-2025/VRM/04: Vehicles repair and maintenance services/Garage
    Lot 5: IF/G/01/2024-2025/PA/05: Supply of Plastic Art Materials
    Lot 6: IF/G/01/2024-2025/DP/06: Designing, printing, branding and photocopying services
    Lot 7: IF/G/01/2024-2025/IT/07: Maintenance of IT Equipment/Hardware

    1. The participation in tendering is open on equal terms to all registered companies, having a Rwandan
    trade license and specialized in the field. The bidder is not allowed to bid on more than 2 lots.

    2. Tender document in both French and English is available at Imbuto Foundation office/Village Urugwiro
    from 16th December 2024, you can reach out the following phones numbers:
    0788599172/0788547296, from Monday to Friday, during working hours (09:00 am to 5:00 pm); upon
    presentation of the proof of payment of a non-refundable fee amounting Ten thousand Rwandan
    Francs (10,000 Rwf) to the account n° 000400029280491 named "Imbuto Fondation/Operat.
    Fund" opened at Bank of Kigali (BK).

    3. The bid security of One hundred thousand Rwanda francs (100,000 Rwf) for each lot is

    4. Well prepared bids in English or French, presented in the original documents will be submitted at
    Kimironko « Maison du quartier > near to Bibare Cell’s office, not later than 21st January, 2025 at
    10:30 am, a submission letter will be addressed to the Director General - Imbuto Foundation,
    P.O. Box 7141 Kigali - Rwanda, clearly indicating the name of the tender/lot.

    5. The proposals and bids will be opened on 21st January, 2025 at 11:00 am, and late bids will be rejected.

    6. Those who submitting the tenders or their representatives are allowed to attend the meeting of the tenders

    [ Download the tender]

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