Ms Rose Rwabuhihi is the Head of the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO), a Government institution mandated to ensure accountability for the respect of principle of Gender Equality at all levels in Rwanda, and service delivery to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) victims.
Over the last 5 years, the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) has established itself as the hub of reference for Gender Equality and GBV service delivery in Rwanda. This has been achieved through its efforts and successes in ensuring accountability for Gender Equality in all sectors, and establishing a strong foundation for measuring progress and information sharing.
Before joining the Gender Monitoring Office, Ms Rwabuhihi worked with the United Nations for over 15 years, across Africa and in the United States of America. Her goal is to promote an integrated approach to Women’s Rights in Development, with a specific focus on governance, peace and security, as well as innovative strategies to eliminate violence against women in Africa.